
Component grid for presenting tabular data with support for filtering and sorting, fully configurable and customizable. Supports list of items or charging request to the server via Ajax, actions by item or collection of items, internationalization and localization of column names and themes using materialize.


columns Object mandatory

Object table column settings, where the key specifies the id of the input and the value are the proposed component TableHeader.

columns: {
  title: {
    name:  'title',
    label: 'Title',
    format: 'text',
    sortable: true,
    sortDirection: 'asc',
    sortFieldName: 'name',
    onSort: function (sortData) {
      return true;

dataRows Array

Table data list. See dataRowsParam to map the name of the parameter received from the server.

default: []

dataRowIdField String

Attribute name to the id field of the table row.

default: 'id'

count Number

Total number of items on the server, used for paging reference.

default: 0

resource String

Resource object name i18n and l10n.

default: null
// On Resource file
  resources: {
    defaults: {
      fields: {
        created_at: 'Created At',
        active: 'Active'
    product: {
      fields: {
        name: 'Name',
        price: 'Price',
        manufacturer_name: 'Manufacturer Name',
        barcode: 'Barcode',
        group_name: 'Group',
        subgroup_name: 'Subgroup'
}, 'en');

// On component properties
resource: 'product',
columns: {
  name:  {...},
  price: {...},

sortConfigs Object

Configuration object of ordering the columns of the tables.

default: {}
sortConfigs: {
  param: 's',
  valueFormat: '%{field} %{direction}'
param String

Sort’s hash parameter name requested in the backend.

default: 's'
valueFormat String

Ordering string format sent as a sort parameter to the server. You can use the variables %{field} and %{direction} to replace the id field and the current direction of the field, respectively.

default: '%{field} %{direction}'

sortData Object

Object pattern table sorting definition.

sortData: {
  field: 'name',
  direction: 'asc'
default: {}

actionButtons Object

Object definition of the line of action and table buttons. See GridActionsMixin.

Create doc of GridActionsMixin and includes a reference here.

selectable Boolean

If false , disables the selection of rows in the table.

default: false

selectedRowIdsParam String

Parameter name for sending the ids of the selected lines.

default: 'rowIds'

selectedRowIds Array

Parameter name for sending the ids of the selected lines.

default: []

allSelected Boolean

State to indicate whether all table rows are selected.

default: false

allSelectedData Array

Check the documentation of this prop.

emptyMessage String

Displayed when the table has no lines. Accepts a key as i18n value.

default: 'table.emptyResult'

tableRowCssClass Function

Function for the line css class configuration.

default: null
function (rowData) {
  // Includes a distinct css class for even and odd
  return % 2 == 0 ? 'even' : 'odd';

rowSelectableFilter Function

Function to filter lines activated to select.

default: null
function rowSelectableFilter(rowData) {
  // selects only even rows
  return % 2 == 0;

forceShowSelectAllButton Boolean

If true and rowSelectableFilter is set, action presentation strength to select all items.

default: false

onClickRow Function

Function callback executed when clicking on a table row.

default: null
function onClickRow(event, rowData) {
  // Logic executed when a row is clicked.

rowHref String

URL used when datatable row is clicked.

default: null

onSort Function

Function callback executed when sorting table rows.

default: function (sortData) {}

onSelect Function

Function callback run to selectionar table rows.

default: function (event, selectedRowIds) {}

onRemoveSelection Function

Function callback run to remove selection lines.

default: function (event) {}

onSelectAll Function

Function callback run to select all rows.

default: function (event) {}