onRequest Function
Function callback executed when making a request.
default: function(requestData, url) {}
onSuccess Function
default: function(responseData, status, xhr) { return true; }
onError Function
Callback function executed in the case where an error occurs in the request handler.
default: function(xhr, status, error) { return true; }
onComplete Function
Function callback run to complete a request handler.
default: function(xhr, status) { return true; }
performRequest Method
We passed as parameters: url, RequestData, method and dataType. This method is responsible for performing a request.
cancelPendingRequest Method
Method responsible for canceling a pending request.
requestCallback Method
This method is responsible for executing the callback ExecuteCallback with a request to call.
successCallback Method
Method responsible for executing the callback executeCallback with a successful call.
errorCallback Method
Method responsible for executing the callback ExecuteCallback with an error call.
completeCallback Method
Method responsible for executing the callback executeCallback with a full call.
executeCallback Method
Method responsible for running the different callbacks exist in that Mixin.