
Component for notification information or errors.


message Node

ReactNode containing the error(s) that appear in the notification.

default: ''
/* String */
message: "'product' field is empty."

/* Using JSX */
message: (
    <li>'product' field is empty.</li>
    <li>'price' field value is not a number.</li>

/* Using JS */
// Errors list
var errors = [
  "'product' field is empty.",
  "'price' field value is not a number."
// nas props
message: (
  React.createElement('ul', {},
    errors.forEach(function(error) {
      React.createElement('li', {}, error);

type String

Notification type. It can be "info", "warning", "error" or "success".

default: "info"

dismissTimeout Number

The time, in ms, that the notification remains visible. If the value is -1, the notification remains indefinitely.

default: -1

canDismiss Boolean

If true, indicates that the notification can be dismissed by the user.

default: true

dismissed Boolean

If true, indicates that the notification was dismissed. If the value is true, the component is not rendered.

default: false

onDismiss Function

Callback function that is executed after the flash notification is dismissed.

default: function() {return true;}