
Component for creating forms.


inputs Object mandatory

Object that defines the props of the input form, where the key is the id of the input. See the component Input.

inputs: {
  name: {
    label: "Product Name"
  price: {
    label: "Price",
    component: "masked",
    maskType: "currency"

action String

URL address to send the form data.

default: ''

data Object

Map to the values ​​of the inputs, where the key is the id of the input and the value of this is the value associated with the input.

default: {}
data: {
  name: 'Ballpoint Pen',
  price: 1.85

method String

Http method used to send the form data.

default: "POST"

dataType String

Data type expected in the server response. See detailed documentation JQuery.ajax.

default: Automático (xml, json, script, html)

Response as an XML document.


Response as HTML document.


Response as JavaScript code.


Response as JSON document.


Response as JSON document using JSONP.


Answer as a text document.

Multiple values ​​separated by space

Converts the document received from a certain type to another. For example, for a text type response is treated as an XML object, use text xml .

contentType String

Data type sent in the request to the server. See more in W3C/Forms.

default: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

multipart Boolean

If true, specifies that the form should use multipart/form-data as contentType.

default: false

style String

Style grid of inputs specified in the theme settings.

default: "default"
Realize.themes.myCustomTheme = {
  form: {
    cssClass: 'custom-form'

// In the form properties
  style: "myCustomTheme",

themeClassKey String

Key assigned to the object specified in the theme settings.

default: "form"

resource String

This property is used to change the inputs name and id generated by the Form component. See the Input component for more information and examples.

default: null

submitButton Object

Attributes button submit .

name String

Name the submit button or key string location of the resource settings i18n and l10n.

default: "actions.send"
icon String

Icon name used on the button.

default: "send"

otherButtons Object

List of objects specifying the proposed additional buttons on the form. See the component Button.

default: []
otherButtons: [
    name: 'actions.clear',
    icon: 'delete'
    element: 'button',
    type: 'reset'

isLoading Boolean

If true, it reports that the component is being loaded.

default: false

onSubmit Function

Function callback executed when receiving event submit.

default: function(event, postData) {}

onReset Function

Function callback executed when receiving event of reset.

default: function(event) {}

ajaxSubmit Boolean

Case of true, the backend requests will be made with ajax.

default: true

disabled Boolean

If true, itens from Form are going to be disabled.

default: false

readOnly Boolean

In case of true, itens from Form will be read only.

default: false